Spring has sprung and that means it’s out with the weeds and time for some seeds! You may be asking yourself, “when is a good time to schedule a flower bed or general garden cleanup?” Some say around mid-April to mid-May, depending on your geographical zone. Two good natural markers for an initial garden cleanup are the emerging of bees, and when overnight temps consistently hover in the 50’s. When these two natural markers coincide, that’s when you’ll know in the words of The Lion King’s Rafiki “it is time!” Whether you have a seasoned green thumb or you’re just getting down to basics, here is a helpful guide for getting started.

First thing’s first – the garden debris…it’s got to go! Gather your supplies from the garage or shed – we recommend a rake and/or an electric leaf blower which both work great for clearing the garden and surrounding areas of any detritus! Don’t forget the haul-away supplies like a wheelbarrow or utility cart and Hefty trash bags! These come in handy for any leaf and stick cleanup you may have.
Next on the list, you’re going to want to grab those garden gloves and garden tools…ya know, the hand rake and fork, trowel, and the all-important weeder for the dead foliage. This tool set was an amazing deal that we posted on our Facebook page, and our F&T team member who grabbed them for her garden said, “the tools work great!”
Now let’s get to the “root” of a good garden cleanup – the weeds! (See what I did there!) No, but seriously, get the weeds by the roots and get them out of there. A good weed cleanup will make such a drastic difference in the overall appearance of your garden. Check out some before, during, and after shots below!
You may be thinking about, or already have, plans for adding new foliage such as flowers or plants to your garden. Now is the time to put those plans into place! Head to the store so you can get down to business and start planting your bulbs/seeds or transplanting your nursery/store-purchased additions to your desired area(s)! Whether you like pops of color or you like to keep your garden area simple and clean, your garden cleanup is almost complete!
OOOooohhh that smell, can you smell that smell? (in my Lynyrd Skynryd singing voice). Yep, that’s mulch! It enhances curb appeal and has many benefits, but it can also be a bit of a hassle for some. There is organic (think woodchips or shredded bark) and inorganic (plastic and geotextiles), and it also comes in a bunch of different forms and colors. You’ll have to do some research to see which mulch/if mulch works for your garden plans!
If you currently use or plan to use mulch post-cleanup, a nifty little “garden hack” is the use of mulch dye! Mulch tends to be a mid-May garden asset, but if you’re looking for a quick fix early on in the season or notice mid-summer that the sun has scorched your mulch and you want to have more of a freshened-up look, just add the dye in a sprayer with water and voila – you will have the appearance of freshly laid mulch, without the oh-so-appealing manure scent! Check out the difference it makes!
A good garden cleanup takes hard work, a little bit of time, and a can-do attitude, but the results are well worth the effort! You garden will look gorgeous and you’ll feel good for getting some fresh air and taking pride in your home!
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