There are many benefits to filling your home with live plants. They help boost your mood, they purify the air, and they can also reduce stress. Taking care of plants can be a full-time job though, and it may be intimidating if you’ve never had a plant baby before. If you start with an easy-to-care-for indoor plant, you’ll soon see how wonderful it can be to have your home filled with lively greenery! See our list of the best indoor plants below…even if you don’t have a “green thumb,” these plants can thrive under your care with just a little love and attention.
Snake Plant

Snake plants are among the easiest plants to care for, and they’re great for propagation! They don’t need a lot of water and they do well in most lighting situations, but preferably steady, indirect light. Water your snake plant when you feel the top 1-2 inches of soil getting dry. A little bit goes a long way, and it’s always easier to add more water than it is to drain the soil.
Pothos Plant
Another plant that’s super easy to take care of and to propagate is the pothos plant. These guys like bright, indirect light and can thrive in a wide range of soil conditions, but prefer the soil to completely dry out between waterings (making it great for those that find a watering schedule tough to stick to).
Monstera Plant
Monstera plants are just slightly more tricky than say, a snake plant or a pothos plant, but once you figure out your monstera plant, the work will be worth it! These gorgeous tropical-looking plants make beautiful additions to the home and are great for photo ops. Keep them in bright, indirect sunlight and keep the soil damp but not overly soaked. When you feel the top couple of inches of soil getting dry, give your monstera a little watering and let it absorb completely.
Majesty Palm Plant
Majesty palm plants are a larger houseplant (more like a tree) and can get up to 10 feet tall (!!) but grow slowly indoors so you don’t have to worry about your palm plant taking over your living room. Keep your majesty palm in a bright corner and give it lots of water. The soil should remain moist but not soaked.
Aloe Plant
Aloe plants are pretty low maintenance…keep them in a bright, sunny spot and water them deeply but sparingly. They don’t require much water and you should wait for the soil to dry out completely before watering again. Bonus – you can use the gel inside of a mature leaf to heal cuts and burns (just don’t ingest it!!).
Succulents are plants that thrive in warm, dry climates and they love lots of sunshine! Put them in an area with direct sunlight and seldom water them. Succulents can go weeks without being watered!! An ideal watering scheduling for a succulent is about once every two weeks.
A cactus is another type of desert plant that is very low maintenance. Just like succulents, they do extremely well in direct sunlight and with little water. Give your cactus a little water every couple of weeks, waiting until the soil has completely dried out.
As you get to know your houseplants, the main principle is to keep an eye on the soil. In general, you want it to be slightly damp and not overly dry. I usually give my plants a smaller amount of water twice a week rather than a lot of water once a week (with the exception of the succulents). I find they do better with this schedule but again, you have to find what works best for you! Also, leaves will typically turn yellow and droop when they are over-watered and turn brown and crispy if they need more water. Finding a good balance of lighting and a normal watering schedule may take a little trial and error, but you’ll have the best shot at success with these houseplants! Let us know which ones you’ll be bringing into your home…thanks for reading xo.
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