Christmas Eve night is full of excitement and anticipation, and Kristy’s family has a sweet yearly tradition to make the most of their time spent waiting for Santa and his reindeer to climb down the chimney and leave gifts under the tree. See how they like to celebrate with our version of The Night Before Christmas below.
Christmas Eve Outfits

‘Twas the night before Christmas when one handsome boy and one darling girl, put their most festive clothes on with a prance and a twirl. All decked out in red, cream, and gold, the sweet children were angels and did just as they’re told. In the car and off to Grandma’s they go, for a special visit from Santa, “ho, ho, ho!” After the gifts are exchanged, Mom’s homemade cookies are passed around. Snickerdoodle and thumbprints and toffee abound! Hugs and kisses for all and back home they go, for the night’s far from over, and it’s starting to snow!
Shop Christmas Eve Outfits
Elf Gift Boxes

‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, the kids were searching for elf boxes while the puppies helped browse. The parents sat back with their glasses of wine and appreciated these moments when all was just fine. Goodies were waiting in the boxes to be found, all from their Elf on the Shelf as his way of saying, “Thanks for letting me hang around!” Hello Kitty treats for the girl for she loved the feline so dear, and of course, for the boy, Spiderman was his favorite this year. PJ’s, socks, an ornament, and more, the kids are always delighted with these new treasures to adore.
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Shop Spiderman Gifts
Once the boxes are found and the cocoa’s been sipped, it’s off to bed for the kiddos for a long night’s kip. The cookies and milk for Santa have been laid out with care, plus some carrots for Rudolph and the reindeer to share. Sweet dreams to everyone, close your eyes and sleep tight. A very merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!!
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