Valentine’s Day is quickly making its way upon on, and while we love love, this can also be a difficult day for some. Maybe you’re going through a tough time, maybe you’re single but wishing you were in a loving partnership, or maybe you just haven’t had enough time to celebrate YOU. Whatever your status, this is a great opportunity to take step back and practice a little self-love. See our ideas below.
Take a Bath

Is there anything that embodies self-care more than taking a luxurious bubble bath? Candles lit, glass of wine (or tea) in hand, bubbles flowing over the sides of the tub, your favorite music playing softly in the background. Maybe you want to grab your bath caddy and read a book or have a snack, or maybe you just want to close your eyes and concentrate on the feeling of the warm water on your skin. If you have a bathtub and you can take even 20 minutes to relax in the steam and soapy suds (bonus points if you’re able to do a face mask), do it. You will feel instantly more relaxed.
Read a Book or Binge a Show

Whether you like to get lost in a good book or binge watch a juicy show, allow yourself an hour away from your endless to-do list to give your brain a break and consume some mainstream entertainment….that’s what it’s there for, after all! Grab your couch cup holder tray, snuggle up in your favorite blanket, and give yourself the opportunity to just veg.

Ah, meditation. Science tells us how important it is to practice mindfulness, but it’s one of those things that’s easier said than done. Sometimes sitting in stillness, even if it’s just for a minute, can feel impossibly difficult. You don’t need to whip out your meditation cushion and sit in silence for hours on end though. You can meditate in so many different ways: concentrating on the dishes you’re washing after dinner, feeling your footsteps on the ground and listening to the sounds of nature when you walk, being fully present in the shower in the morning. Meditation is about living in the moment. Take that philosophy and find a way to make it yours.
Move Your Body

Move and groove, baby! Another science-backed activity, exercise is super important and getting the blood flowing can do wonders for your body. It doesn’t have to be a long workout in a gym, and you don’t need any fancy equipment. Maybe you have an old jump rope or set of weights laying around. Maybe you do a few jumping jacks or squats in your kitchen or stretch out on your exercise mat. Maybe you walk to get your cup of coffee in the morning instead of driving. However you can incorporate a little extra movement into your day, it’s a great way to release endorphins and boost your mood!
Enjoy a Hobby You Love

The great thing about having a hobby is, you don’t have to be good at it! That’s the whole point! You aren’t getting paid to do it perfectly, you don’t have to put your work on display in front of hundreds of people. You can do your hobby quietly and humbly and do it because you love it…not for any other reason. Whether you like to crochet, or paint, or garden, or make jewelry, or build with LEGOs, find a way to create. Bringing things to life is one of the most fulfilling activities you can do.
Use Affirmations/Practice Gratitude

It may sound a little woo-woo, but seriously, speaking sweetly to yourself sets the tone for how you allow everyone else speak to you. We needs to be kind to ourselves, and affirmations are a great way to practice that. Perhaps you pick one that resonates and repeat it daily, or maybe you switch it up depending on your mood. It can be as short and simple as “I am worthy” or as complex as “I have all of the tools I need within me to handle the day ahead of me. I am capable and strong.” Find something that speaks to you and say it until you believe it. If you’re having trouble thinking of something, grab an affirmation deck (this uplifting one and this empowering one are great choices) and pull a daily card! Another way to manifest beauty in your life is by practicing gratitude. Being thankful for what you already have helps to cultivate more of that. Every day write down at least three things you’re grateful for. They can be big or small (I am grateful for this cup of coffee, I am grateful for the health of my family, I am grateful for new opportunities to learn and grow), but think of some things you appreciate and write them down every day. Then you can look back when you’re feeling a little down and remember all the things you are blessed with.
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