It’s almost time for the most magical time of the year, especially in my house with four littles! Our resident Elf on the Shelf, Stelfy, will be making his return the day after Thanksgiving…if the kiddos are lucky that is! They look forward to his return each year and it’s a fun time in our household with all of his shenanigans and the daily search for him each morning! Whether you’re an Elf on the Shelf rookie, a seasoned Santa’s helper, or just looking for some inspo – we’ve got some ideas, tips and tricks for this year’s elf magic! See our Elf on the Shelf inspiration below.

Stelfy knows how to make an entrance! Our elf was paired with a Rudolph reindeer candy cane, and with some twine and clear hair bands I was able to create a scene similar to one of our favorite holiday movies, Home Alone – see what I did there?!

Frozen is still rather popular in our home having three daughters, so with Olaf in mind I created a melted snowman scene on top of our fish Charlie’s tank. This was easy and I had all of the “snowman ingredients” around the house: small glass, water, two googly eyes, a baby carrot, and a small twig or apple stems – add a little note with elf handwriting and voila!

My kids thought that this was hilarious! It’s so simple and gets lots of giggles – all you need is a toilet paper roll and a Hershey kiss or mini chips!

If you happen to have a kid with a loose tooth and they lose said tooth like my kid did…oh what fun it is to become the elf and the tooth fairy all in the same night! Stelfy set up a fairy trap in attempts to catch her – all you need is a handy-dandy net and a note in elf’s handwriting to explain!

I grabbed mini bows which are perfect for his little body and created a scene of Stelfy rock climbing. My kids got a kick out of this one!

Now this was a funny one! Stelfy pranked the kids by taking some of the laundry and one of the baby’s diapers and creating a merry-go-round of underpants! Pro Tip – don’t turn on the fan!

My kids love when our elf Stelfy brings them treats or something fun, and they love to hear what he has to say, so he usually brings a note of sorts. He brought hot chocolate bombs and coloring/activity books and crayons.
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